събота, 29 юли 2017 г.

ot 2-3 minuti nasam

I feel abandoned. Stuck with all this boring, ordinary people. I don't like life when it's like this. Nothing special, dull and empty. I have memories from previous times like this. Those memories are useless and make me feel stupid. I know what's comin. Bla, I'll have to work it out. What else can I do? I have a plan; Im gonna lock myself in, stay at home and do stuff. I'm not sure if I'll be able to follow trough but it's something.

неделя, 16 юли 2017 г.

it must have been empathy

да видиш нещо, което не искаш да видиш. в интернеt. расте расте расте. от срама.
има си уста, коса, ръце. подари и цвете и стойте на тавана.
там няма как да ви хванат.
няма как да ви хванат.
somebody needs to burn all this. destroy it. bring back the goddamn fire into the game.

P.S - lets give it up for that ugly drawing. It needs the exposure, desperately. Slow clapppp