понеделник, 30 юли 2018 г.

I'm committed to this blessin' but I got to keep him guessin'

she knew about you before you met her
with me everyday carry the dehydrated lie ahead a well full of  water
she says the truth's not the truth and a lie is not a lie
a live is not a live and a die is not a die

четвъртък, 26 юли 2018 г.

WARNING: Stop. Think. Read. This is  external 

thanks for trying

"chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad."

That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of those days‍—‌I'm glad to be free of them.

четвъртък, 19 юли 2018 г.

good pure-tissued demons:

‘Though one knows all the time one’s life isn’t really right, at the source. That’s the humiliation. I don’t see that the illness counts so much, after that. One is ill because one doesn’t live properly—can’t. It’s the failure to live that makes one ill, and humiliates one.’
‘But do you fail to live?’ he asked, almost jeering.
‘Why yes—I don’t make much of a success of my days. One seems always to be bumping one’s nose against the blank wall ahead.’

‘Why, why are people all balls of bitter dust? Because they won’t fall off the tree when they’re ripe. They hang on to their old positions when the position is over-past, till they become infested with little worms and dry-rot.’


oh man cant you see Im nervous so please pretend to be nice so I can be mean

сряда, 18 юли 2018 г.

понеделник, 16 юли 2018 г.

wuthering heights stupefy


rebounded like a drop of water from hot iron

very slowly, treading one after the other, one after the other, like a disgusting dream that has no end

soft blood subordination, terrible

‘I should think you’re proud.'

четвъртък, 12 юли 2018 г.

that's beautiful, thank youuu

head head my head hurts.
 аз нямам време повече за още едно такова (и защо ще взимам да ги сравнявм изобщо?

голямо мислене, бейби
I still walk home alone at night
защо ме мъчиш така, бейби пейл блу

after the guilt trip, I arrived on the shore with some new resolutions and the conclusion that the disgusting frog got what she deserved and I'm not sorry at all

: taia gadna jaba si poluchi zaslujenoto

вторник, 10 юли 2018 г.


baby, mostly you just make me mad

she MUST know, do you have a will right now?

two letter text - translation: NEXT
no text - translation : LEAVE ME ALONE & GO AWAY

ti ne si dobre doshal
ti ne si dobrerreeee
хора са ми казвали, че съм претенциозна

i need to do certain things more often than I do now, you know. can you help me?

понеделник, 9 юли 2018 г.

sleeping pills

 watching the soft, rather degenerate face of the young man
its very softness was an attraction; it was a soft, warm, corrupt nature, into which one might plunge with gratification.

are you all right, dear?
oh, I know it's not everything.

za kogo se misli?
oshte li spi tova angel4e?az ne moga


sugar rush is gone my fckn head hurts

вторник, 3 юли 2018 г.


'I tell you, he treats any little fool as he treats me or you—and it’s such an insult.’
‘Oh, it is, one must discriminate.’
‘One MUST discriminate,’